Klantreviews, een schat aan informatie die niet te onderschatten valt voor elk bedrijf, groot of klein. Ze vormen een essentieel onderdeel van het digitale landschap van vandaag, waar consumenten steeds meer vertrouwen op online feedback bij hun aankoopbeslissingen. Kantreviews zijn de sleutel tot het opbouwen van een sterke reputatie en het winnen van het vertrouwen van potentiële klanten. Transparantie en betrouwbaarheid zijn immers cruciaal.
In de eindeloze digitale zee van informatie is het cruciaal om op te vallen. Maar hoe zorg je ervoor dat jouw bedrijf bovenaan verschijnt wanneer potentiële klanten zoeken?
Monday, November 27, 2023 is Cyber Monday, also known as the Monday following Black Friday where you can enjoy numerous discounts, but only online. It's the ideal moment to get your website ready for the busy year-end period! We provide some tips on how to make your website "holiday-proof.
As a business, you naturally want to grow. Search Engine Advertising (SEA), also known as Google Ads, can help you achieve these goals. But why should you invest in this and how can you do it successfully? In this blog post, we'll give you more explanation!
Are you a website owner or content creator looking to save the day with your website's online presence? Then it's essential to keep up with the latest algorithm updates from Google. One of the most recent updates is the E-E-A-T algorithm, which focuses on Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. In this blog post, we'll explain what E-E-A-T means and how it affects your website's content.
To develop an effective small business strategy and achieve good SEO, it's crucial to comprehend the target audience and set oneself apart from competitors. Even though small businesses may face stiff competition from larger competitors in search results, they can thrive by leveraging their resources smartly and concentrating on their niche.
In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization (SEO), the importance of backlinks cannot be ignored. According to a recent survey, 94% of respondents believe that Google will continue to use links as a ranking signal for the next five years. However, the focus has shifted from simply acquiring backlinks to building authority through earned links. In this article, we will explore the difference between earned and spammy links, their pros and cons, and discuss effective strategies for earning high-quality backlinks in 2023.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) remains a crucial component of digital marketing strategies in 2023. However, it is important to understand some common misconceptions and challenges surrounding SEO. In this article, we will explore key considerations for effective SEO in 2023.
The world of customer experience (CX) is constantly evolving, and it's crucial to stay informed about the latest trends. If you have a website, customer experience is an essential component of your digital strategy. Let's take a look at what will remain consistent and what changes we can expect based on insights from CX experts.
In recent years, cybercriminals have unfortunately been on the rise. One of the primary tactics used by them is phishing, whereby they assume a false identity to obtain sensitive information like login and bank credentials… To reduce the risk of hacking and better protect your business, we offer some helpful tips.
In 2023, mobile commerce sales will dominate the market, making it essential for businesses to cater to mobile consumers. Ignoring the latest mobile commerce trends could put you at a serious disadvantage. In this article, we’ll explore three critical mobile commerce trends to help you stay ahead of the competition.
For those of us in the digital marketing profession, behavioral science is the science of predicting the future. Understanding how people have behaved in the past will help us understand how people will behave in the future.
Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate your love but that doesn’t mean you can’t also promote your business. The first gifting holiday after winter holidays is a great opportunity for business owners to attract new customers and build their brand.
A data-driven content strategy is more than just looking at your Google Analytics account. It’s looking at different data sources where you are going to pull data from and then combine to come up with new insights.
Migrating your website can be tricky, but with sufficient planning and constant monitoring, it is possible to migrate successfully and with a minimal chance of things going wrong. Site migrations can involve a wide range of changes to the set-up of a website.
It’s clear as day that trust is important in your personal relationships. But it also matters in the business world. Read here how to apply this in your own company.
It’s never too early to start dreaming up holiday marketing ideas. Among the holiday months, November to December records the highest sales. Let this motivate you to think of Christmas marketing ideas. We’ve rounded up 4 ideas you could use to spice up your holiday marketing.
TikTok vs Instagram? Which one’s a better fit for your next influencer marketing campaign? Let’s go over the different aspects of it.
As a website owner you would want to know and measure how users experience interaction with web pages. Google’s Core Web Vitals are just the metrics for that. Since 2021 these Core Web Vitals are used as ranking factor, hence part of the Google algorithm. In other words, these metrics will help define how pages will appear in search results.
Customer satisfaction is a challenge for many web shops. After all, customers have certain expectations. Do you want a higher conversion? You can apply these customer journey tips immediately.
You are ready to start selling online and don’t know where to begin? It’s no secret that you need an eyecatcher of a website and a solid e-commerce platform.
Google is the world’s go-to search engine. Want to reach more (potential) customers and climb towards the top of the Google rankings? Share relevant knowhow on your website and pack your blog with tricks and tips. That’s how to convince Google – and your readers – of your expertise.
Want prospects to buy and customers to return? Then commit to UX design. From fast load times to clear hyperlinks, these four tips will get you started.
Do you want to turn webshop visitors into customers? Then use the right conversion tools such as A/B testing, feedback and abandoned cart emails.
It is unthinkable to be absent online as a business, especially in 2021. How do you highlight your products and/or services online? How do you build strong customer relationships? You'll find out here.
Avoid customers dropping out at checkout and make sure they return to your webshop. From a single checkout page to coupons: optimize your payment process with these four golden tips.